常見問題 FAQ
- 是否每年 DFC 都有特定的主題?
DFC 的精神和理念可以應用在生活各個層面,所以每年 DFC 都以不同的主題(如音樂、烹調、運動等)設計宣傳品和場地佈置,以激發參賽者更多想像力,而參賽者可根據自身最想解決的問題作為參賽主題即可,毋須跟該屆的設計主題有關連。
- 需要花多少時間參與DFC?
- 參賽隊伍的成員可以來自不同年級、不同學校嗎?
- 非澳門居民的在澳學生可以參加 DFC 嗎?
為鼓勵更多在澳 6-17 歲的兒童及青少年參加 DFC,只要是在澳門已註冊的適齡學生,且所屬參賽隊伍內至少有一名澳門居民,他們亦可以報名參加 DFC。
- 要繳交報名費用嗎?
- 參加 DFC 會有資助嗎?
- 為什麼參賽需要指導員?
- 為什麼報名表格上需填寫參賽者的身份證號碼?
- 登記報名之後,需要將計劃草案電郵給主辦單位嗎?
- 是否將改善問題的創意想法記錄下來,代表已完成DFC挑戰?
- DFC有外地的交流活動嗎?
每年會舉辦一個名叫「改變無邊界國際年會」(Be the Change Celebration,簡稱 BTC)的國際交流活動,並邀請各地DFC 的參賽者參加,當然包括澳門,以往曾在印度、北京、墨西哥、西班牙、羅馬等地舉辦,近年因為疫情,BTC 改為在線上進行。此外,我們也會不定期帶領本澳 DFC 參賽者前往鄰近地區進行交流。
- Does DFC have a specific theme each year?
Spirit and concepts of DFC can be applied to all aspects of life. Therefore, we have different themes (e.g. music, cooking, sports, etc.) every year for designing promotional materials and venue layout, in order to inspire the imagination of the participants. The problem you want to solve the most can be the topic of your DFC Challenge and it does not need to be related to the DFC design theme of that year.
- How much time do we need to spend if we participate?
DFC Challenge is flexible. It allows each participating team to allocate time by themselves and design their own DFC project in their own way, in order to fit with school terms, holidays, and other curriculum demands and requirements.
- Can the members of a participating team come from different grades and different schools?
Yes. Furthermore, a participant can join more than one team and submit more than one project.
- Can Macau students who are non-Macau residents join DFC?
In order to encourage more children and youth aged 6-17 in Macau to join DFC, as long as they are registered students in Macau and have at least one Macau resident in their team, they can also sign up for DFC.
- Is there any registration fee?
No. DFC is completely free.
- Is there any sponsorship if joining DFC?
No. Please do the DFC challenge with the least of resources and money.
- Why do we need a mentor if joining DFC?
Each participating team needs at least one adult to act as a mentor to guide members to conceive, plan and implement the DFC project. The mentor is also responsible for liaison, coordination and ensuring the safety of members. The members of the participating team are the one who make decisions. Please trust their abilities and let them conceive and execute their own DFC project.
- Why we need to provide the ID numbers in the participation form?
ID number is for identifying whether the participant is the same person. For non-Macau residents, please provide the first 4 digits of the student ID number and indicate that this is student ID number. Don’t worry. All personal information that you provided will be kept confidentially and used for this DFC challenge only.
- After registration, do we need to email a draft plan to the organizer?
No. But if you need any help, you can contact us.
- Does it mean that we have finished the DFC Challenge after we write the creative ideas for improving a problem?
No. After coming up a creative solution, the solution must be implemented. It is not just a conceptual or experimental plan. Only if you take actions, the solution can bring real impact and improve the problem. Then share it with others and inspire others to make change together. In this way, you complete the entire DFC Challenge.
- Does DFC offer exchange trips?
An international exchange event called "Be the Change Celebration" (BTC) is held every year. DFC participants from all over the world are invited to join, including Macau. It was held in India, Beijing, Mexico, Spain, Rome and other places. In recent years, BTC is changed to online due to the epidemic. Moreover, we also occasionally bring the DFC Macau participants to the neighboring areas for exchange activities.