• 澳門崇新文化協會 Sung San Cultural Association, Macau


    我們在2011年很高興能夠得到Kiran校長的授權,讓我們在澳門推動Design for Change。我們希望透過DFC促進社會改變及創新,並為孩子建立「我做得到」的自信心,感染和鼓勵社會上其他人一起去改善社會,讓世界亦能看到澳門孩子的創意和力量!這樣能秉承了印度精神領袖甘地的名言 "Be the change you wish to see in the world", 所以說,就讓我們用行動在澳門推動我們想見到的改變吧!


    Sung San Cultural Association was a not-for-profit organization which was founded in Macau in 2001. We aim to promote the Chinese culture and the development of cultural industries in order to enhance the public awareness. We participate actively for community affairs and the social work. Besides, we hold the regional exchange programs and cooperation plans to improve the cultural environment in Macau. We also promote the educations about information technology so as to keep the close connection with this modern century.

    In 2011, we were very pleased that we got the authorization from Kiran Bir Sethi to arrange Design for Change in Macau. We hope that we could promote social change and innovation through DFC and help the children to establish their self-confidence of “I Can”. It can inspire and encourage other people to improve the society together. Just let the people all over the world to see the creativity and the power of the children in Macau! In this way, we can adhere to the words of the famous spiritual leader in India, Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. So, let us use our actions to promote the change we want to see in Macau!